Queen's Platinum Jubilee Flag Raised

On Sunday, February 6, 2022, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Flag will be raised at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building and Government House in Regina. The flag will be flown for the remainder of February at Government House and flags will also be flown on the Albert Memorial Bridge in Regina from February 15 to 28.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became Queen on February 6, 1952 on the passing of her father King George VI. Her Majesty is Canada’s longest reigning Sovereign and the first to celebrate a platinum jubilee. She has visited Saskatchewan on six occasions, most recently to mark the provincial centennial in 2005.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee flag features the Canadian Jubilee emblem on a white background. The Canadian Platinum Jubilee emblem will be released by the Government of Canada on February 6.

Additional Platinum Jubilee programs and celebrations in Saskatchewan will be announced in the coming months.

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For more information, contact:

Carolyn Speirs

Office of the Lieutenant Governor




Queen's Platinum Jubilee Gardens Announced


Happy Chinese New Year!