Role & Responsibilities

Representing the Crown

Our system of government is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. His Majesty King Charles III is King of Canada and Head of State. The Lieutenant Governor is the representative of The King in Saskatchewan. This position is non-partisan and apolitical. Each lieutenant governor acts on the advice of the premier and the government, but has the right to advise, to encourage, and to warn.

One of the Lieutenant Governor’s responsibilities is to ensure that Saskatchewan always has a premier. The Lieutenant Governor presides over the swearing-in of the premier, the Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, and cabinet ministers. The Lieutenant Governor summons, prorogues, and dissolves the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly, delivers the Speech from the Throne and gives Royal Assent to acts of the Legislative Assembly. The Lieutenant Governor also signs official documents and meets with the Premier.

Length of Appointment

The Governor General in Council (in practice, the Prime Minister) appoints lieutenant governors for a minimum of five years in office.

Lieutenant governors are chosen based on their record of distinguished service to their community, province, and country. The appointment carries with it the title of "The Honourable" for life.

The Offices of the Monarch, Governor General, and Lieutenant Governor are entrenched in the Canadian Constitution, and no changes can be made to them without unanimous approval of all Provincial Legislative Assemblies, along with the Senate and the House of Commons.

Celebrating Saskatchewan

The Lieutenant Governor participates in commemorative ceremonies, provincial celebrations, and community activities across Saskatchewan. The Lieutenant Governor also hosts events at Government House in Regina and at other venues throughout the province.

Honouring Achievement

The Lieutenant Governor presents honours and awards to people who have demonstrated excellence, valour, bravery, or dedication that brings credit to the province and the country.

Lieutenant Governor in Council

The position of lieutenant governor is apolitical and thus the Lieutenant Governor does not get involved in any political activity, intervene in day-to-day issues and decisions made by Saskatchewan government ministries, or advocate for groups or individuals seeking to change government policy.

Concerns or questions about government policy should be addressed to the appropriate Government of Saskatchewan ministry. Alternatively, you may wish to consult the Office of the Ombudsman of Saskatchewan

If you choose to write the Lieutenant Governor, your letter will be forwarded to the appropriate Minister of the Crown for a response.

The term “Lieutenant Governor in Council” appears in many government documents, such as legislation. Legally, it refers to the Lieutenant Governor acting on, and with, the advice of the Executive Council or Cabinet. When the Cabinet makes a decision and it has been approved by the Lieutenant Governor, it is said to have been made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.